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    Book now for your FREE trial class

    IOL - Institute Of Linguists
    AICE -Association Of Independent Creative Education
    P.O. Box: 49, Leeds, West Yorkshire, LS8 4YB, UK

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    Program Details

    Course name*

    Arabic Courses:

    Modern Standard ArabicTAFLArabic for GCSEArabic GrammarArabic RhetoricArabic for MediaModern ConversationArabic for BusinessArabic for Kids

    Quranic Course:

    Arabic for QuranTajweed coursesQuranic Recitation CoursesQuranic MemorisationQuran for kidsLearn ten Qirat onlineIjaza courses

    Usul Al-Fiqh Al-Hanbali:

    “Qawāʿid al-‘Uṣūl wa Maʿāqid al-Fuṣūl” Ijāzah


    al-Aqīdah al-Wasiṭīyyah

    General Islamic Studies:

    Jurisprudence (Fiqh)Doctrine (Aqeida)Biography of the prophet (Seerah)Science of Hadith

    English Language:

    English for general useEnglish for businessAcademic writingConversation EnglishIELTS preparation courseTOEFL preparation examCreative writingEnglish for kidsEnglish courses onlineEnglish courses for companies

    Human Resources:

    Managing the Training Function (Training Manager Certificate)Preparation and Development of HR and Training SpecialistsThe Art of Coaching: Discovering your Employees PotentialModern Trends of Personnel and Career DevelopmentSkills of Improving Working MethodsIntegrated Approach: Training Management and Training of Trainers (TOT)Mini MBA (Business Management)Media Work EthicsRecruitment, Interviewing and Selection ProcessEmotional Intelligence: Skills for Excellent LeadershipDeveloping the Skills of HR SpecialistsTechniques and Methods of Effective GuidanceManaging and Developing Performance

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