“Qawāʿid al-‘Uṣūl wa Maʿāqid al-Fuṣūl” Ijāzah Course
“Qawāʿid al-'Uṣūl wa Maʿāqid
al-Fuṣūl” Ijāzah Course
Course Title: “Qawāʿid al-‘Uṣūl wa Maʿāqid al-Fuṣūl” Ijāzah Course
Author: Imām Ṣafiyy al-Dīn ʿAbd al-Mu’min bin ʿAbd al-Ḥaq al-Qaṭīʿī al-Ḥanbalī
Level: pre-intermediate level
Instructor: Sh. Prof. Muḥammed Bin Gamal Al-Suyūṭī Al- Ḥanbalī
Start Date: July, 2023
Qawāʿid al-‘Uṣūl wa Maʿāqid al-Fuṣūl authored by Imām Ṣafiyy al-Dīn ʿAbd al-Mu’min bin ʿAbd al-Ḥaq al-Qaṭīʿī al-Ḥanbalī, is a summary of his other book Taḥqīq al-Aml fi ʿIlmayy al-’Uṣūl wa al-Jadal. The text deals with a set of legal principles related to what comes from a person in terms of words and actions learned from texts or deduced from legal evidence that is not mentioned in jurisprudential texts.
This short book provides a brief history of the development and codification of Ḥanbalī legal theory, Uṣūl al-Fiqh. The book examines the primary and secondary sources of Islamic Law, legal rulings, how they are derived and function, as well as a brief overview of the rules of interpretation. The main objective of this text is to introduce readers to the study of Uṣūl as well as create a deeper sense of appreciation for fiqh. By studying legal theory, the student will learn how Ḥanbalī jurists extrapolated law from the foundational sources and appreciate the language they employed in discussing and defending their positive law (furūʿ).
IOL is introducing the Qawāʿid al-‘Uṣūl wa Maʿāqid al-Fuṣūl course journey, in July 2023, in English with Sh. Prof. Muḥammed bin Gamal al-Suyūti al-Ḥanbalī as a pre-intermediate Uṣūl al-Fiqh course of 40 hours.
Sh. Prof. Muḥammed Bin Gamal Al-Suyūṭī Al- Ḥanbalī
The course will be 50 hours starting in July, 2023.
Upon completion of the course, students will be awarded an Ijāzah.