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Mr. Ayman Fawzy

Mr. Ayman Fawzy

BA (Cairo)
Islamic Studies

General Info.:

  • Name: Ayman Fawzy Oways Ayman
  • Title: Online Quranic teacher


Department: Islamic Studies


  1. BA in Hadith and Islamic Studies with Honors in 1991/1992
  2. Preliminary MA in Sharia Law in Dar Al-Uloom in Cairo University 1997
  3. General Diploma in the Faculty of Education in Azhar University 2015/2016

Courses Taught:

Islamic Studies and Quranic Studies

  • Introduction to Islamic Theology
  • Islamic History
  • Islamic Law: Theory and Practice
  • The Qur’an: History, Text and Interpretation
  • The Hadith: History, Criticism and Canonisation

Research interests:

  • Islamic studies


  1. Certificate in the knowledge of Coptic history and the basis of dialogue between Christianity and Islam from the Egyptian Centre for Social and Human Studies
  2. Training course in administrative work in Al Azhar.
  3. Training courses in Islamic sciences in Al Azhar Institutes Sector

He is the author and editor of a few books some of which include:

  1. متن العقيدة الوسطية
  2. كتاب التوحيد
  3. إجازة متن ابي شجاع فالفقه الشافعي
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