Dr. Mohammed Gamal Aly
- General Info.:
Title: Head of AICE, Dean of the Institute of Linguists and Islamic Studies.
Email: Dr.maly@aiceiol.com
Email: Dr.maly@instituteoflinguists.com
- Department:
Arabic Language Department
Qur’anic Studies Department
Islamic Studies Department - Qualifications:
- Ph.D. in the Interpretation of The Quran and Comparative Jurisprudence, Leeds University, UK.
- MA in the Interpretation of The Quran and Comparative Jurisprudence, Leeds University, UK.
- BA in Education and English Language, Leeds Metropolitan University, UK.
- BA with honours in Sharia (Islamic Law), Medina, Saudi Arabia.
- BA in Business Administration, University of Assuit, Egypt.
- Biography:
SHEIKH PROFESSOR. MUḤAMMED CALY taught Arabic Language and Islamic Civilization and Thought at the Institute of Oriental Studies, the Main Mosque and some Islamic Republics, Moscow, Russia. He also taught Arabic Language and Quranic Exegesis at University of Leeds. In 2006, He was appointed as the Head of Arabic Language at Manchester Metropolitan University. In 2013, he moved to SOAS university as a visiting scholar in Islamic Politics.SHEIKH PROFESSOR. MUḤAMMED CALY is an associated member of “Chartered Institute of Linguists”, and served on several committees as Chair of the “Association of Independent Creative Education (AICE)”. He is also a member of the “Middle East Studies Association (MESA)”, as well as, a member of the “Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA)”.
Courses Taught:
- “Bidāyat al-cĀbid”, by cAbd al-Raḥmān bin cAbd Allāh al-Baclī
- “’Akhṣar al-Mukhtaṣrāt”, by Muḥammed bin Badr al-Dīn bin Bilbān
- “Dalīl al-Ṭālib”, by Imām Marcī al-Karmī
- “Zād al-Mustaqnic”, by Mūsa al-Ḥijāwī
- “al-Rawḍ al-Murbic Sharḥ Zād al-Mustaqnic ”, by Manṣūr bin Yūnus al-Buhūtī
- “cUmdat al-Ṭālib”, by Manṣūr bin Yūnus al-Buhūtī
- “Muntaha al-’Īrādāt”, Muḥammed bin Aḥmed bin al-Najjār
- “Kāfī al-Mubtadī’” by Muḥammed bin Badr al-Dīn bin Bilbān
- “Kashāf al-Qināc” by Imām al-Buhūtī
- “Ghāyat al-Muntaha” by Imām al-Karmī
- “Al-‘Inṣāf” by Imām al-Mardāwī
- “al-Mughni” by Imam ibn Qudama
- “al-Muqnic” by Imam ibn Qudama
- “al-Rahabiyyah” by Imam al-Rahabi
- “Muzakira fī Uṣūl al-fiqh” by Imām al-Shinqīṭī
- “al-Warqāt in Uṣūl al-Fiqh”, al-Juwaynī
- “al-Uṣūl min cIlm al-Uṣūl”, Muḥammed bin Ṣāliḥ al-Uthaymīn
- “Mukhtaṣar al-Taḥrīr” by Ibn al-Najjar
- “Rawḍat al-Nāẓir and Jannat al-Munāẓir” by Ibn Qudāma
- “A note of Uṣūl al-fiqh” by Muḥammed al-Amīn al-Shanqītī
- “al-cAqīdah al-Wāsiṭiyyah”
- at-Tadmuriyyah
- Kitab al-Iman
- “Kitāb al-Tawḥīd”
- Kashf al-Shubuhat
- “al-cAqīdah al-Safārīnīya”
- Lumcat ul-Ictiqad
- “al-Uṣūl al-Thalātha”
- al-Qawacid al-Muthla fil Asma’ was-Sifat
- al-Radd cala al-Zanadiqa wal-Jahmiyah
- The Death, Signs of the Hour and Horrors of Judgement Day
- ‘Umdat al-Aḥkām
- Bulugh al-Maram
- Subul al-Salam
- Nayl al-Awtar
- Taysir Mustalah al-Hadith
- Alfiyyat al-Suyuti
- Tadrib al-Rawi
- al-Bayquniyyah
- Nukhbat al-Fikar
- al-Jarh wat Tacdil
- Takhrij al-Asanid
- Riyad as-Salihin
- Forty Hadith of an-Nawawi
- Six books of Ḥadīth
- Tafsīr of the Qurān (Linguistical, Exegetical and Jurisprudential Analysis)
- Tafsīr Juz’ cAmma
- Prophets’ Stories in the Qur’ān
- Nour al-Yaqin
- al-Wafa
- Sirat Ibn Hisham
- ar-Rahiq al-Makhtum
- The Prophet’s Expeditions
- Madārig al-Sālikīn
- az-Zuhd
- ar-Ruh
- at-Tazkirah
- Modern Standard Arabic
- Arabic Stylistics
- Advanced Skills in Arabic Language
- Essential Skills in Practical Arabic
- Introduction to Modern Arabic Literature
- Contemporary Arabic Media
- Arabic Rhetoric – Balagha
- Arabic Literature
- Arabic Writing – Formal and Informal
- I’rab al-Qur’an
- Introduction to Islamic Theology
- Islamic History
- Islamic Law: Theory and Practice
- The Qur’an: History, Text and Interpretation
- The Hadith: History, Criticism and Canonisation
- Arab and Islamic Civilisation
- Culture and Society in the Arab World
- Modern Middle Eastern History
- Middle Eastern Politics: Regimes, Societies and Conflict
- Advanced Arabic Grammar and Translation
- Advanced Media Arabic: Translation Skills in Text Typology
- Methods and Approaches in Translation Studies
- Specialised Arabic-English Translation
- Translation for International Organisations (English-Arabic)
- Introduction to Interpreting Skills
- Genres in Translation
- International Organisations: Context, Theory and Practice
- Literary Translation
- Writing for Professional Purposes
- Specialised Arabic-English Translation
- Approaches to Linguistics and Language Acquisition
Research interests:
Dr Aly’s primary research interests are:
- Arabic Language,
- Quranic studies,
- Islamic theology and philosophy,
- Arabic and Islamic bibliography,
- Comparative textuality and semiotics,
- Comparative religion and general Islamic Studies
Specialising in Arabic language (grammar and stylistics), Arabic literature, Islamic Politics, Islamic Law, Islamic Philosophy, Islamic civilization, Islamic history, Islamic general principles of jurisprudence, maxims of jurisprudence, the interpretation of Islamic legal ruling verses, Qur’anic exegesis, hadith and history of Islamic Law.
Among his honourable scholar in Medina:
• Sheikh Muḥammed bin Ṣāliḥ al-Uthaymīn
• Sheikh Dr. Muḥammed al-Mukhtār bin al-Amīn al-Shanqīṭī
• Sheikh Dr. Mūsā al-Qarnī
• Prof Abd El-Hakim Abd El-Salam Khatir (Quranic Studies)
• Dr Mohammed Ayoub (Imam of Medina Holly Mosque) in (Quranic Exegesis)
• Sheikh al-Imām Dr. cAbd al-cAzīz al-Qārī
• Imām Sheikh Dr. cAttia Muḥammed Sālim
• Sheikh Dr. cAbd al-Muḥsin al-cAbbād
• Sheikh Dr. Muṣtafa al-Qārī’
• Sheikh Dr. Sulaimān al-Rurḥaylī
• Sheikh Dr. Ḥamūd al-Sihlī
• Sheikh Dr. cAlī al-cUmarī
• Sheikh Dr. Muḥammed Muṣṭafā, the son of Imām al-Shanqīṭī
• Sheikh Dr. Muḥammed bin Muḥammed al-Mukhtār al-Shanqīṭī,
• Sheikh Dr. Manṣūr al-Smārī
• Sheikh Dr. cAbd al-Muḥsin al-cAbbād
• Sheikh Ḥammād al-’Anṣārī
• Sheikh Dr. Muḥammed al-Tamīmī
• Sheikh al-Imām cAbdullāh al-Ghunaymā
• Sheikh Dr. cAbd al-cAzīz al-cUbaid
• Sheikh Dr. cAbdullāh bin Muḥammed al-‘Amīn al-Shanqīṭī
• Sheikh Miṣbāḥ al-Dīsūqī
• Sheikh Muḥammed Ayyūb
• Sheikh cAbd al-Ḥakīm cAbd al-Salām Khāṭir
• Sheikh al-Muqri’ Dr. cAbd al-Rāfic Raḍwān
• Shaikh Abd El-Muhsan Al-Abad (Hadith Studies)
Among his scholars from the UK:
• Prof. Ian Netton
• Prof. Hussain Abd El-Raof
• Prof. Charles Tripp
• Prof. Sue Dawn.
He is the author and editor of a few books some of which include:
• “al-Mukhtaṣar al-Mufīd of ’Aḥkām al- Tajwīd”, Dār Ibn al-Jawzī, al-Damāmm (1992).
• “al-cUrf wa ’Atharuh fi al-’Aḥkām fi al-Fiqh al-Ḥanbalī”, Dar al-Bukhārī, Madīna (1993).
• “Interpretation of Sūrat al-Tawba, Comparative Fiqh Study”, LIT Verlag, Bilen (2002)
• “Interpretation of Sūrat al-Nūr, Comparative Linguistic and Jurisprudential Fiqh Study”, LIT Verlag, Bilen (2006)
• “Relationship of Ayahs and Surahs in the Holy Quran”
• “The Qur’anic narrative of Prophet Shucaib from an Islamic civilization perspective” (2010)